Many people have tendencies to need a phone with them at all times. Luckily, I don't have such a problem. In my younger years, I would only answer the phone if I was directly told to, and for a good chuck on my younger years, I was scared to pick up a phone for fear of who was on the other side. The phone used to be a strange idea to me, seeing as you could connect to almost everyone and relay messages to them without them being there.
Still, the phone has many consequences and problems that I still don't enjoy it for. For one, you aren't talking directly to the person, so you can't really tell how they're saying something, and what they're doing while they're saying it.
You know, one reason why phones while you're driving is bad isn't nearly as much as just having something in your grasp, but also being able to see what the other person is seeing. Next time you're driving with someone else in the car, you might realize that if something's going on outside that you'll probably stop talking for a moment because of the event, because the driver needs the most concentration.
One thing I strongly disapprove of would be texting. First of all, what are you getting out of it? Most of the time you're texting because talking would be disruptive and rude, but texting is just the same. You aren't allowed to text in school because it's disruptive to what you should be learning and what the other person is doing. As well, you aren't getting anything out of it. Even if there's the new letter pads to make texting easier, most people will still do these weird funny terms and do some text type where they write down letters and numbers in odd combinations to tell a message quickly. It may be easier to text it to someone, but it actually takes longer for your mind to comprehend what the message is when you're reading it. Of course, there are cases like me where I'd probably need a texting dictionary to understand what is being said correctly.
Texting also gets rid of a lot of writing type things we need to know to be well educated. Like ending your sentences and captitalizing your first letters and I's. Wouldn't it look weird if I didn't capitalize things and just left everything without punctuation? You wouldn't know where a scentence starts or how it should be read.
Then again, I also get frusterated with sites like this where I can't indent the paragraph properly. It makes me wonder where society is headed. Although we are, as a race, learning more and should be able to know more, I think the generations are getting dumber as time goes on, and we're expected to know more too.
I wouldn't mind if the world would just lose phone services for a few months. I don't mind if we lose our internet connections either, although I would mind if all technology just burst into tiny bits. (I do have a lot of stories just waiting to be finished on my computer and if all technology disappeared, I couldn't even save it anywhere.) If by some means all technology was to be destroyed, I'd like advanced notice, a lot of blank pieces of paper and a lot of ink cartriges to print out every last word I have saved on my computer.
I'm not very social to start, so having the phones gone for a while won't bother me. In fact, I'd encourage the fact. Some people are too reliant on their phones, and they should get a taste of a some-what old-fashioned life. Still, I can't be too sure on how I would react, because a phone was almost always there when I needed one to contact someone.
There's a good chance that I would mind about the phone's being down for a good while, though. As stated in a previous post, I have problems staying by myself, and one of the last times I was by myself, I had an absolutely false accusation that my sister left the house to complete a deal for getting one of our dogs back to us. I tried calling the phone that the children in our family shared at that time and after a while believed the phone line died (even though whenever I did call, I would have the option of leaving a message, but when you're that scared of what's happening and devoured in your thoughts, sometimes things like that don't get processed in your head.) I guess that isn't really a good example though, because it only scared me more when I couldn't get a response anymore, but it would probably be worse if I had no means of contacting anyone...
I don't know what my whole point in writing all of this was, because I don't understand what I was just trying to get across. But my relationship with the phone is very flexable and I could live with it off for a long period of time as long as nothing bad happens.
Still, the phone has many consequences and problems that I still don't enjoy it for. For one, you aren't talking directly to the person, so you can't really tell how they're saying something, and what they're doing while they're saying it.
You know, one reason why phones while you're driving is bad isn't nearly as much as just having something in your grasp, but also being able to see what the other person is seeing. Next time you're driving with someone else in the car, you might realize that if something's going on outside that you'll probably stop talking for a moment because of the event, because the driver needs the most concentration.
One thing I strongly disapprove of would be texting. First of all, what are you getting out of it? Most of the time you're texting because talking would be disruptive and rude, but texting is just the same. You aren't allowed to text in school because it's disruptive to what you should be learning and what the other person is doing. As well, you aren't getting anything out of it. Even if there's the new letter pads to make texting easier, most people will still do these weird funny terms and do some text type where they write down letters and numbers in odd combinations to tell a message quickly. It may be easier to text it to someone, but it actually takes longer for your mind to comprehend what the message is when you're reading it. Of course, there are cases like me where I'd probably need a texting dictionary to understand what is being said correctly.
Texting also gets rid of a lot of writing type things we need to know to be well educated. Like ending your sentences and captitalizing your first letters and I's. Wouldn't it look weird if I didn't capitalize things and just left everything without punctuation? You wouldn't know where a scentence starts or how it should be read.
Then again, I also get frusterated with sites like this where I can't indent the paragraph properly. It makes me wonder where society is headed. Although we are, as a race, learning more and should be able to know more, I think the generations are getting dumber as time goes on, and we're expected to know more too.
I wouldn't mind if the world would just lose phone services for a few months. I don't mind if we lose our internet connections either, although I would mind if all technology just burst into tiny bits. (I do have a lot of stories just waiting to be finished on my computer and if all technology disappeared, I couldn't even save it anywhere.) If by some means all technology was to be destroyed, I'd like advanced notice, a lot of blank pieces of paper and a lot of ink cartriges to print out every last word I have saved on my computer.
I'm not very social to start, so having the phones gone for a while won't bother me. In fact, I'd encourage the fact. Some people are too reliant on their phones, and they should get a taste of a some-what old-fashioned life. Still, I can't be too sure on how I would react, because a phone was almost always there when I needed one to contact someone.
There's a good chance that I would mind about the phone's being down for a good while, though. As stated in a previous post, I have problems staying by myself, and one of the last times I was by myself, I had an absolutely false accusation that my sister left the house to complete a deal for getting one of our dogs back to us. I tried calling the phone that the children in our family shared at that time and after a while believed the phone line died (even though whenever I did call, I would have the option of leaving a message, but when you're that scared of what's happening and devoured in your thoughts, sometimes things like that don't get processed in your head.) I guess that isn't really a good example though, because it only scared me more when I couldn't get a response anymore, but it would probably be worse if I had no means of contacting anyone...
I don't know what my whole point in writing all of this was, because I don't understand what I was just trying to get across. But my relationship with the phone is very flexable and I could live with it off for a long period of time as long as nothing bad happens.
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