How to Set a Table is a quaint little book that was published by POTTER STYLE, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, but oddly enough doesn't credit any author on any of the standard pages. Much digging into the fine print on the very last informative page tells us that Chloe Lieske wrote it - but trying to find this book using her name doesn't show up readily in search results, as though she was discredited and only there to write up a joint collective voice.
The book itself is textured in such a way from the burlap style of the cover, that it turns itself into a nice piece to display around your house.
How to Set a table is extremely visual and easy to read over - but putting everything mentioned into practice is significantly harder if you're not a specific kind of person.
If you don't have nice dinnerware of either porcelain, earthenware or stoneware of varied sizes and shapes along with different serving pieces, then everything mentioned in the book turns into hopeful illusions of things you can't recreate.
If you don't have nice dinnerware of either porcelain, earthenware or stoneware of varied sizes and shapes along with different serving pieces, then everything mentioned in the book turns into hopeful illusions of things you can't recreate.
Dividing up sections based on events and what kind of table will be set up is fun and unique but leads to disappointment when you realize you don't have the means necessary. - and you're going to be disappointed because you're going to want to put everything into practice.
Aside from not being able to put things together, everything was spaced out nicely and organized and I would recommend getting this book if you like decorating your tables for each event because being able t have everything set up for an event just feels great.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
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