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A Throwback from 2018: Daily Social Media Inspiration for Fitness Centers

 Back in 2018 I used to work at FitRewards. This was a rewards and loyalty program that marketed itself towards fitness centers, but could be used at other businesses as a corporate reward program, to incentivize their clients or staff to do specific behaviors for points. The closest competitor that is still around would be Perkville. At the time FitRewards stood out from their direct competitor by creating a measured point system against a dollar amount; and working with vendors to offer high-value reward items.

Because of the mixed B2B focus on our internal marketing, but also the B2C traffic our channels would get due to the members that were in the program, our channels had to be playing both fields. 

I thought it would be a nice share to drop the general "Daily Topics" that I had put together back in 2018 as they were broad enough then to be valuable now, and would be great in a B2C fitness center space to piggy back off of when they just need a little extra filler content on their social calendar. 

The main plan we had was scheduling ~1 post per business day with a little sprinkle of holiday posts and redemption items. 

To lead, my background at present is roughly 9 years in the marketing industry. When I work with social media now, it is a balance of timely announcements, education, entertainment and promotion. This list I'm sharing is by no means something you should hold to the letter, but I would hope give you some inspiration when you're putting together your content calendar and need some extra feel-good filler. 

Any Day

  • WOTD - workout of the day
    • A trend with CrossFit studios to share what the workout is at the studio for the day. So members that can't make it can still come in, or to pump up or set expectations for what the members are getting into when they get to class that day. 
  • Classes for the day/week
    • Members might not always be checking the class schedule on the site or application - highlighting classes or upcoming workshops would help give your members a reason to hit follow so you'll end up in their feed. 


  • Motivation Monday
    • Can be motivational quotes - or motivational fitness stories. This might be a great space to highlight some great testimonials about your center or a fitness journey of one of your staff or clients. 
  • Music Monday
    • Share a playlist or some new jams to pump up a workout
  • Meal Prep Monday
    • Meal Prep tips or ideas for the week
  • Monday Funday
    • Something fun to kick off the work week. 


  • Tip Tuesday
    • Fitness tips
    • How to get rewarded tips (share one of the milestones with how many points they'll get)
  • Transformation Tuesday
    • Any member transformation stories? 


  • Workout Wednesday
    • Share a workout someone can do from home or at the gym/center. (see WOTD)
  • Wacky Wednesday
    • Something kooky for mid-week madness
  • Wellness Wednesday
    • Good Food suggestions
    • Health Advice
    • Self-Care


  • Throwback Thursday
    • blast from the past! 
    • share some old highlights from your center
    • Old Fitness myths that have since been disproven. 
  • Teacher Thursday
    • Highlight one of your Instructors, the classes they teach and their background. 


  • Fitness Friday
    • Like Workout Wednesday and WOTD
  • Foodie Friday
    • Another good spot to add in some recipes


  • Shoutout Saturday
    • Any honorable mentions of clubs/centers/staff/clients to point out?


  • Meal Prep Sunday
    • The only non-alliteration on this list! 
    • Give some meal prep ideas or advice. 

I hope this list found use in someone's arsenal. I did expand some ideas and clarify more than my initial document had for the purpose of sharing with a fitness-center focused social media coordinator in mind. 

Is there any that gave you a few ideas to jump start your calendar? Or any day themes you feel like was missed that I should add? Just pop it in the comments and let me know!


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