Many people have tendencies to need a phone with them at all times. Luckily, I don't have such a problem. In my younger years, I would only answer the phone if I was directly told to, and for a good chuck on my younger years, I was scared to pick up a phone for fear of who was on the other side. The phone used to be a strange idea to me, seeing as you could connect to almost everyone and relay messages to them without them being there. Still, the phone has many consequences and problems that I still don't enjoy it for. For one, you aren't talking directly to the person, so you can't really tell how they're saying something, and what they're doing while they're saying it. You know, one reason why phones while you're driving is bad isn't nearly as much as just having something in your grasp, but also being able to see what the other person is seeing. Next time you're driving with someone else in the car, you might realize that if something's g...
This blog is just a collection of book reviews, responses to writing prompts, and other long-form content I'd like to share. Since this is a personal site I just come and go as I feel like writing and drop little nuggets of wisdom and shared thoughts.