
Showing posts from 2009

Noticing Driver's Behaviors ~ Response

When going just about anywhere, it's easy to observe different kinds of drivers. Depending on where they're from and how they are, you do notice different things. Still, some things don't get planted into your head because you take it as normal. It's understandable that if you live in an area where people in general, aren't rushed, that if the people do drive, they won't feel rushed and might actually go slower. As well as in the city life, where everyone's moving around fast, everyone's annoyed when they cannot leave quickly and usually rush to get to different places. As well, most new drivers will go either too fast or too slow, because they aren't used to the car. When they go too slow, it's obvious that they aren't comfortable with driving yet and if they go too fast, they're testing the limits and the thrill of being on the road. Everyone's different, however, and it always takes different times before new drivers will understan...

Changing the Way Things Run~ Response

There are quite a few things I worry about for the future, but most of them don't seem to fit with how the government works, but if the idea is stretched, it's bound to get there some way or another. I am worried about the school systems of the future. It's know that our society is in a technological age, and I can only imagine systems that the children will have to listen to and watch for their school day. Teachers might become obsolete and the only thing schools need are monitors to see what the children are doing and to regulate the class (like a substitute teacher). If schools are run by computers, than the government won't have to pay as many teachers to work for them. I can only imagine how the world will get as most everyone will be writing in a text slang and our society goes down. My mind is very open, and when I do get to another topic of concern, I can start worrying about what will happen in the said future. Poverty could be one of them. As a childhood dream...

Relationship with the Phone~ response

Many people have tendencies to need a phone with them at all times. Luckily, I don't have such a problem. In my younger years, I would only answer the phone if I was directly told to, and for a good chuck on my younger years, I was scared to pick up a phone for fear of who was on the other side. The phone used to be a strange idea to me, seeing as you could connect to almost everyone and relay messages to them without them being there. Still, the phone has many consequences and problems that I still don't enjoy it for. For one, you aren't talking directly to the person, so you can't really tell how they're saying something, and what they're doing while they're saying it. You know, one reason why phones while you're driving is bad isn't nearly as much as just having something in your grasp, but also being able to see what the other person is seeing. Next time you're driving with someone else in the car, you might realize that if something's g...

Arguments vs. Discourse response

Arguing is what makes everyone express that they have their own opinion on a subject. Sometimes arguments help bring out the attention to key facts that would have probably been over looked otherwise. It's another way of communication and doesn't signify a hatred for the person they are arguing with, just the clashing opinions of them; like animals who will fight over something and then get along. If you have a dog, or another pet, there might be times where your pet would get angry at you, possibly become posessive or they might not want you anywhere near them, and after they're over that event, of whatever did happen, they'll let you close and might give you some kisses, telling you they're fine. As stated, the ancient Greeks would argue about things all day for fun and then shake hands and go home. They argue, but they make up in the end, because opinions are what makes everyone unique and their own person. In some arguments, the two parties will get so steamed a...

Friends, in number- response

Friends can be defined as many things. When we think of the word "friend" we think first of a favored companion we enjoy to spend time with. Still, a friend could just be an acquaintance. I used to get confused between the two, but if you are indecisive of what to call them, why not just assume they are both? It may not be important to have many friends, being the kind you'll arrange meetings, play around and call whenever something comes up, but it is important to have a lot of acquaintances, or as some might think, future relations. To put a number on friends is as though you're putting a number on a person. I would rather not associate faces with numbers or positions. A friend is a friend and an acquaintance an acquaintance. Maybe the number of these "friends" don't mean anything because I would not take time to count up how many people have affected me in some way, shape or form. My own definition of friend is loose, and from a young age ...