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Showing posts from February, 2025

A Throwback from 2018: Daily Social Media Inspiration for Fitness Centers

 Back in 2018 I used to work at FitRewards. This was a rewards and loyalty program that marketed itself towards fitness centers, but could be used at other businesses as a corporate reward program, to incentivize their clients or staff to do specific behaviors for points. The closest competitor that is still around would be Perkville. At the time FitRewards stood out from their direct competitor by creating a measured point system against a dollar amount; and working with vendors to offer high-value reward items. Because of the mixed B2B focus on our internal marketing, but also the B2C traffic our channels would get due to the members that were in the program, our channels had to be playing both fields.  I thought it would be a nice share to drop the general "Daily Topics" that I had put together back in 2018 as they were broad enough then to be valuable now, and would be great in a B2C fitness center space to piggy back off of when they just need a little extra filler conte...