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Showing posts from June, 2017

The Book Doctor is in- and his Perscriptions ROCK- A review on "The Story Cure"

"The Story Cure" is a fun read that anyone who likes writing stories should pick up and read at least once in their life. Dinty Moore is the professor you would have wanted to teach any creative writing class in the history of writing. The easy to understand nature of "The Story Cure" mixed with light humor and little work areas to help you with the troubles you're currently facing in your writing, whether it's the latest sci-fi hit or an autobiography - everyone can be helped. I enjoy writing creatively in my spare time, but as a hobby they were made for my sister and me to enjoy, but with no real fleshing out or seeing if anyone else would want to pick up on them. "The Story Cure" helped me understand what to be looking for as I dive back into stories I considered finished and things I've yet to figure out. Out of encouragement for you to go out and get this book, I'm going to leave out mentioning most of the helpful hints I learned a...