When going just about anywhere, it's easy to observe different kinds of drivers. Depending on where they're from and how they are, you do notice different things. Still, some things don't get planted into your head because you take it as normal. It's understandable that if you live in an area where people in general, aren't rushed, that if the people do drive, they won't feel rushed and might actually go slower. As well as in the city life, where everyone's moving around fast, everyone's annoyed when they cannot leave quickly and usually rush to get to different places. As well, most new drivers will go either too fast or too slow, because they aren't used to the car. When they go too slow, it's obvious that they aren't comfortable with driving yet and if they go too fast, they're testing the limits and the thrill of being on the road. Everyone's different, however, and it always takes different times before new drivers will understan...
This blog is just a collection of book reviews, responses to writing prompts, and other long-form content I'd like to share. Since this is a personal site I just come and go as I feel like writing and drop little nuggets of wisdom and shared thoughts.